
  • Xmas-Cat-1-16x9

    21 Dec 2021

    Quantum physics explained simply! Award-winning game app Kitty Q launches QUANTube series with explainer videos

    +++ Game app Kitty Q wins the 2nd prize of the Games Innovation Award Saxony +++ As of January 2022, early career researchers will answer questions on quantum physics asked by players in the follow-up project QUANTube +++ German Research Foundation awards QUANTube with one of the Community Prizes +++ App reaches 65,000 downloads +++

  • Illustration-Rgb-Exzitonen-Rgb-Urheber-Jo-Rg-Bandmann-Ct-Qmat-1920x1080px

    09 Dec 2021

    "Crazy" light emitters: Physicists see an unusual quantum phenomenon

    Scientists of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have experimentally discovered an unusual quantum phenomenon for the motion of luminescent electronic quasiparticles in atomically-thin semiconductors. The results were published in the Physical Review Letters journal.

  • Claudia-Felser-Portraet-Foto-Sven-Doering-Agentur-Focus-1920x1080

    06 Dec 2021

    Claudia Felser receives Max Born Prize

    Prof. Claudia Felser, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids Dresden and principal investigator of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, will be awarded the Max Born Prize 2022 for her outstanding scientific contributions to physics.

  • Ronnythomale-Sackler-Preis-Foto-Tobias-Ritz-Dsc02468

    03 Dec 2021

    International science prize for Würzburg physicist

    Ronny Thomale, a founding member of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, has been awarded the Raymond and Beverly Sackler International Prize in Physics.

  • Elektronen-Familie-1-Pixelwgjo-Rgbandmann-Ctqmat-1920x1080

    05 Nov 2021

    Electron family creates previously unknown state of matter

    An international research team from the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat has demonstrated a completely novel state of matter in a metal. It is created by the combination of four electrons – until now, only electron pairs were known. The results have been published in the journal Nature Physics.

  • 23k-Img

    25 Oct 2021

    Mysterious quantum world inspires kids and teens: Kitty Q game app successfully launched

    +++ Mobile game reaches around 23,000 downloads in the first week +++ Media experts recommend "Kitty Q - A Quantum Adventure" +++

  • Erfurt-1920x1080

    18 Oct 2021

    Treasure hunt, fireplace talk & research results: First reunion of the Quantum Matter Academy in Erfurt

    After the forced break due to corona, a little more than 80 early career researchers of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Matter have met again in person for the first time since 2019. The meeting in Erfurt was characterized by the joy of direct exchange and scientific discussions. Immediately afterwards, the first International Autumn School took place.

  • Release-Katzeq-Dsc02270-Fototobiasritz-1920x1080

    13 Oct 2021

    Experience the completely crazy quantum world: Global release of the Kitty Q mobile game

    +++ Mobile game "Kitty Q - A Quantum Adventure" released worldwide +++ Great-granddaughter and grandson of Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrödinger take over patronage +++ Mobile game nominated twice for the German Children's Software Award TOMMI 2021 at launch +++

  • Pressebild-Esrappeltinderbox-1920x1080

    28 Sep 2021

    It's rattling in the box! Game app Kitty Q runs warm

    Physics is getting exciting! The mobile game "Kitty Q – A Quantum Adventure" from the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat for children aged 11 and older can be pre-ordered as of now in the app store and tested in Würzburg until October 2.

  • Ctqmat-Laser-Illustrationchristiankroneck-1920x1080

    24 Sep 2021

    As big as a grain of sand: First topological vertical cavity laser arrays

    Israeli and German researchers of the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have developed a way to force an array of vertical cavity lasers to act together as a single laser. The findings were presented in the journal Science.

  • Dreieckigehonigwaben-Abbildungctqmat

    14 Sep 2021

    Triangular Honeycombs: Physicists design novel quantum material

    Researchers from the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat have recently conceived and realized a new quantum material. The research results have appeared in the journal Nature Communications.

  • Portrait-Alexey-Chernikov-Prio1-Dsc08466-Foto-Tobias-Ritz-1920x1080

    08 Sep 2021

    Ultrafast & ultrathin: New physics professor at TU Dresden makes mysterious quantum world visible

    Alexey Chernikov was appointed the new W3 professor of Ultrafast Microscopy and Photonics established by the Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat. The 38-year-old scientist pursues the goal to make ultrafast quantum mechanical quasiparticles visible in atomically thin nanocrystals.

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