Events - Archiv


(7 Events)

ct.qmat at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden

Dresden is one of the most important scientific research sites in Germany. With the SHOWCASES OF RESEARCH, the Technischen Sammlungen opens a new space where visitors can experience future topics. To this end, interactive exhibits have been set up together with scientists.


First Grete-Hermann-Network meeting

We would like to invite you to our very first Grete Hermann Network (GHN) Meeting!


Tunable resistivity exponents in the metallic phase of epitaxial nickelates



Prof. Dr. Beatriz Noheda, Groningen

International school - gapless fermions

This winter school is to teach central developments of the study of correlated metals.


Topology: complementary approaches to a common concept

The first HR-PostDoc Workshop happening at the Graduate School building in JMU-Würzburg.

Local and non-local spectroscopy of quantum matter

IFMP Seminar

Majorana edge modes in topological superconductors

Colloquium of the Würzburg Institute of Physics


(1 Event)

Crystallization and vitrification of strongly correlated electrons on geometrically frustrated trian

Kenichiro Hashimoto will give a Special Institute Seminar at Hermann-Krone-Bau, Hörsaal KRO/1.11A, Nöthnitzer Str. 61, 01187 Dresden

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