
  • Les-Houches

    29 Oct08 Nov 2024

    Les Houches School 2024 - Frustrated Quantum Magnets

    The field of quantum spin liquids has evolved significantly over the past five decades, driven by the availability of frustrated magnetic platforms like pyrochlore, hyperkagome, and hyperhoneycomb materials. Modern sources of magnetic frustration enable the creation of novel forms of magnetic ordering at low temperatures. Progress in understanding the microscopic origin of these states is attributed to the collaboration between theory and experiment, facilitated by advancements in numerical quantum many-body approaches. The school aims to introduce fundamental concepts in frustrated magnetism, providing a series of lectures and tutorials involving experimentalists, theoreticians, and numerical experts.

  • Jena-Am-Abend-Quelle-Jenakultur-Foto-Jenaparadies-Scaled

    31 Mar02 Apr 2025

    Sixth QMA Retreat (Jena)

    In Jena we will meet and talk about your projects.

  • Jena-Am-Abend-Quelle-Jenakultur-Foto-Jenaparadies-Scaled

    0204 Apr 2025

    Third Spring School "Topological Quantum Matter"

    We will meet in Jena directly after the fifth QMA retreat and learn more about complexity and topology in quantum matter.

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